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Our Ethos

It is our aim at Woodway Kids to provide care and an early learning environment, tailored to each individual child’s needs in a safe, secure and happy environment.

We adhere to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which is made up of a statutory framework for the Early Years. This sets the standards of learning, development and care.

We provide a place for your child to develop a strong sense of belonging and independence, to build their self-esteem and confidence. With high regard given to your child’s personalised learning and through encouragement, activities and purposeful play, we help them to reach their full potential socially, physically, emotionally and intellectually.

Our nursery is divided into three age groups (Acorns, Saplings and Little Oaks), catering for specific stages with appropriate activities, equipment and facilities to promote your child’s independence, confidence and intellectual growth.

We welcome the opportunity to work closely with parents and have an open door policy; which means you can phone, visit or stay at any time. Each child will have their own Learning Folder containing a variety of narrative and photographic observations. We invite you to share with us any observations or personal achievements you may have noticed in and out of home.

We adopt a positive approach in welcoming your child to Woodway Kids. This ensures they settle into the routines as easily as possible. We find visits to the nursery prior to starting will help your child familiarise themselves with their new environment.